Jake Croman’s Blog
How the Pomodoro Method Can Increase Your Focus and Productivity
You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of work currently written down on your to-do list. Are you wondering where you'll find the time to finish it all? There are a number of different techniques [...]
Diversity: Unlocking the Key to Small Business Success
Workplace diversity isn't just a question of ethical consideration. It's so much more than that. Diversity increases revenue. It inspires greater innovation in the workplace. It engages employees, which not only leads to higher productivity [...]
Why Leaders Should Invest in Their Own Professional Development
Business leaders will have a considerable number of challenges to overcome throughout the course of their careers, some of which will include dealing with the mistakes they make along the way. I wish the inevitability [...]
Working From Home? Set Your Home Office up for Success
The workforce has been through quite a transformation the last few years. Through these changes came one incremental shift that will arguably have the biggest impact on the business world: more flexible working conditions. Companies, [...]
Entrepreneurs Should Start Traveling More: Here’s Why
Traveling is a time to relax. It's a time to explore new parts of the world and make exciting new memories with your significant other, your friends, or your family — or yourself if you [...]
4 Skills That Set Millennial Entrepreneurs Apart
Millennials took their crown as the largest generation in the American workforce in 2016 and have kept that title ever since. By 2025, it's predicted that millennials will make up 75 percent of the global [...]